Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®) is a program developed by Dr. David Berceli to address the physiological link between emotional responses and muscles, potentially offering a support to psychotherapy or medications for treating PTSD symptoms. 
The program includes seven core exercises that activate a natural reflex mechanism, releasing muscular tension, and calming the nervous system. 
The activities promote balance, improved sleep, increased energy, pain relief, emotional resilience, and empowerment.

trauma release exercise

how does it work?

We are going to have a first talk to know each other and check your medical health history and what are your needs.
We are going to assess together if TRE@ is the right method for you at this moment and, if this is the case, we make a plan of the sessions we can do together.


Onsite 120 CHF 60 min 
Online (via Zoom or Whatsapp) 75 CHF 60 min